On October 27th, 2023 Bharatiyam School Connect program was organized by the High Commission of India, Swami Vivekanand Culture Centre in collaboration with the 精东影业 in the premises of LAU. In the esteemed presence of our distinguished guests, namely Mr. Rudra Jayanti Bhagwati, Director of SVCC, Mr. BD Tyagi, Second Secretary of the High Commission of India to Guyana, Mr. Mohit from the High Commission of India, and Air Marshal Dr. Pawan Kapoor (Retd), Vice Chancellor of LAU, the event has been rendered significantly remarkable. Their presence not only adds grandeur to the occasion but also imbues our students with immense enthusiasm and inspiration. Students of LAU showcased their talent by performing classical Indian dances, playing Flute, and singing patriotic songs including Vandematram. The cultural ceremony showcasing the strength of Indian culture by the students of LAU was warmly appreciated and enjoyed by both the new and the old students.